Stock Information
Shareholder Returns Policy
The CrowdWorks Group positions the return of profits to shareholders as one of its most important management issues. Until now, we have achieved growth by focusing on investment in business expansion. Furthermore, our consolidated performance has seen significant growth in both net sales and gross profit, and we have steadily increased EBITDA (Non-GAAP) and operating income. Through the implementation of various management policies, including improving productivity, we have evolved into a corporate structure that can continue to achieve increased sales and profits. In light of the steady growth of our business and the stabilization of our financial base, we have decided to pay a dividend for the fiscal year ended September 2024 for the first time since our foundation, in addition to implementing a commemorative shareholder benefit for our 10th anniversary of being listed. Regarding dividends, we aim for a payout ratio of 30% or more and will strive for stable increases in dividend levels while continuing various return initiatives, including shareholder benefits. Additionally, we will consider the acquisition of treasury stock in a flexible and agile manner, taking into account the overall status of stock prices.