Talent infrastructure


  • Total Contract Value

    23.35billion yen

  • Registered Workers


  • Registered Clients



Talent infrastructure

We believe in the infinite potential of people. We believe that people’s talents can be tapped to significantly improve others’ lives. CrowdWorks’ mission is to become a modern infrastructure for talent.


No.1 Crowdsourcing Service in Japan

This service connects companies with individuals over the Internet, enabling orders to be placed and accepted for work. With 4.70 million freelancers and 760,000 companies registered as users, we are innovating the processes through which businesses operated and individuals earn a living.

Project Matching Service for Freelancers and Companies

Agents provide high-accuracy matching, linking our freelance users, mainly engineers and designers, with companies looking for professionals. Using our database of 4.42 million users, we propose the best human resources to match company needs.

Specialized Project Matching Service for the Needs of Online work

Matching home-based assistant skilled at office work with companies. Through our specialized testing, we select the top candidates from over 73,000 applicants, registering approximately 6,000 professionals as users. This service converts home-based potential workers into human resources for companies.

Specialized Side Job / Second Business Matching for High-Value Professionals

High-value professionals who have never been a part of the job change market are joining our platform in increasing numbers, seeking out new working styles. This new personnel application method provides companies with the opportunity to access the top talent at other business for pin-point solutions to their problems.

Productivity improvement SaaS that visualizes how companies work

A cloud-based man-hours and project management tool that collects employee man-hours and visualizes how companies work. 20% or more of the current number of companies that have introduced it are used by large companies with 300 or more employees. We support productivity improvement by visualizing employees' business processes.

*Figures are current as of July 2024


Leaving no one behind.

As a company involved in the facilitation of work, our business activities—and, indeed, our own in-house working practices—are geared toward helping ensure that the world is “leaving no one behind,” the central promise of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.