Matching Business

  • CrowdWorks

    No.1 Crowdsourcing Service in Japan

    This service connects companies with individuals over the Internet, enabling orders to be placed and accepted for work. With 4.70 million freelancers and 760,000 companies registered as users, we are innovating the processes through which businesses operated and individuals earn a living.

  • Crowdtech

    Project Matching Service for Freelancers and Companies

    Agents provide high-accuracy matching, linking our freelance users, mainly engineers and designers, with companies looking for professionals. Using our database of 4.42 million users, we propose the best human resources to match company needs.

  • Tech Direct

    Direct job matching service for IT professionals (engineers, designers, marketers)

    Tech Direct is a matching platform that offers high-skilled IT personnel (engineers, designers, marketers) on the premise of working three times a week, outsourcing, and remote work. ※This is a service of the group company.

    Tech Directのイメージ写真
  • ビズアシ

    Specialized Project Matching Service for the Needs of Online work

    Matching home-based assistant skilled at office work with companies. Through our specialized testing, we select the top candidates from over 73,000 applicants, registering approximately 6,000 professionals as users. This service converts home-based potential workers into human resources for companies.

  • CrowdLinks

    Specialized Side Job / Second Business Matching for High-Value Professionals

    High-value professionals who have never been a part of the job change market are joining our platform in increasing numbers, seeking out new working styles. This new personnel application method provides companies with the opportunity to access the top talent at other business for pin-point solutions to their problems.


    Management support services by "Productivity Improvement Consultants"

    Productivity Improvement Consultants will identify essential management issues, select solutions, and accompany the team. Our consultants act as PM and PMO for each project, providing one-stop support. We will form the optimal team from 6 million freelancers for each project.

  • CrowdWorks AI Dojo

    AI school hosted by CrowdWorks

    An offline learning school supervised by CrowdWorks’ AI team. You can acquire AI side hustle skills in just one day.

    CrowdWorks AI Dojoのイメージ写真
  • Minna No College

    Online community-based learning career place

    Exclusive online learning experience that encourages users to really work the way they want. Multiple skill-up programs (including writing, design, and video editing) are available. Each program focuses on community learning and shadow coaching.

    Minna No Collegeのイメージ写真
  • PARK

    Your skills EC creation service that can be created in 30 seconds.

    PARK aims to create a world where anyone can easily start selling their skills, whether by teaching, providing treatment, or offering consultation, and where the seller's story, including their passion and commitment, can be conveyed to the buyer.

  • memberpay

    MemberPay, a membership fee payment service with no initial cost

    A payment service that allows online sales of fixed monthly fees and one-time services with no initial or monthly fees. While the service is strong in membership fee settlement for online lessons and community management, it can also be used to sell one-off services such as trial services.


    RPA project referral service for freelancers

    This is a matching platform where professionals who wish to work freelance on the side in the RPA and low-code fields register as members. Approximately 900 RPA and low-code professionals have registered, and we have introduced more than 100 projects in total.


SaaS Business

  • CrowdLog

    Productivity improvement SaaS that visualizes how companies work

    A cloud-based man-hours and project management tool that collects employee man-hours and visualizes how companies work. 20% or more of the current number of companies that have introduced it are used by large companies with 300 or more employees. We support productivity improvement by visualizing employees' business processes.

  • Human & Human

    Human Capital SaaS that visualizes HR data

    An organizational analysis tool specialized in the aggregation and analysis of employee data for human capital management. Automatically calculates numerous metrics and visualizes over 500 patterns of data, enabling one-click cross-tabulation and correlation analysis. Featuring user-friendly yet advanced data representation, this unique tool supports the development and implementation of data-driven HR strategies.

    Human & Humanのイメージ写真
  • CrowdWorks AI

    AI tool to generate images and articles with sensible operations

    It is one of the largest generation AI tools in Japan that can instantly generate high-quality images and articles just by entering keywords. We support spot work with a site design and 200 types of functions that are intuitive and easy to operate even for those using AI for the first time.

    CrowdWorks AIのイメージ写真
  • CrowdWorks AI for biz

    Prompt-Free, Enterprise-Specialized Generative AI Tools

    This AI tool eliminates the need to write challenging prompts by leveraging AI technology. By simply answering 2-3 questions, you can generate high-quality outputs. Tasks that are not core to your business but still require thoughtful consideration can also be streamlined using this highly accurate AI, thus improving overall operational efficiency.

    CrowdWorks AI for bizのイメージ写真

*Figures are current as of July 2024