Basic Management Policy

Since our company was founded, we have been developing online job-matching operations with a particular focus on crowdsourcing, which is an arrangement under which individuals can be remunerated for their services through the Internet.
Through the online matching of companies outsourcing their operations with individuals who wish to undertake these tasks, our company maximizes the total contract value generated. This leads to a higher added value that can be delivered to society, which in turn contributes to the enhancement of corporate value. In addition, by reinvesting the gross profit obtained from the added value of providing these services as resources to promote the growth of our business, we hope to achieve sustainable growth while simultaneously raising profits over the medium to long term.

Maximaizing corporate value, Maximising total contract value, Rising profits over the mid-to-long-term, Improved corporatevalue

Key Peformance Indicators

Key Peformance Indicators for the growth of our company’s business include the total contract value (number of clients ✕ value of order placed / number of workers ✕ value of order accepted), which indicates the total value associated with business transactions between our clients and workers, as well as gross profit, which is the total contract value multiplied by our take-rate (commission rate).

Total contract value multiplied by Take-rate(commison rate) is Gross profit)

Key Strategies for Sustainable Growth

In view of the worsening labor shortage issues in Japan, the number of companies seeking workers in ways than transcend conventional frameworks as well as the number of individuals seeking diverse working styles are both increasing. As such, this market is expected to grow over the medium to long term. Under these circumstances, prohibitions on side jobs will gradually be lifted in order for companies to draw on the skills of competent external professionals (such as freelancers and side-job workers) for their management, business operations, and services, as well as for companies to expand the skillsets and enhance the career prospects of their own employees. In order to offer services that are highly attuned to these changes in market needs, we are advancing our business operations on the basis of the following strategies.

①Expanding our market share by focusing on job-matching operations

Our company is operating the largest online job-matching platform in the entire industry.
In order to expand our opportunities and market share, we have focused our management resources on job-matching operations starting from the fiscal year ending September 2020, and plans are underway to further enhance our growth rate.

Creating the foundation of a system that allows for medium to long-term profit expansion and growth

By constantly improving ourselves through the pursuit of higher productivity standards as well as cost-effective advertising and marketing investments, we create the foundation of a system that allows for medium to long-term profit expansion and growth.

Creating pillars for future growth through the launch of new businesses

In order to create the pillars for further growth, we constantly leverage on our assets associated with our company’s existing business operations to launch new businesses in a synergistic manner.